
Showing posts from November, 2021

6th-13th week notes-December 6th-December 9th

      Today is Monday, December 6th , 2021                                                                                                                 Value: respect                                                                                                                                                                          "Do you questions" Instructions: COPY THE QUESTIONS, ANSWER WITH YOUR IDEA AND THEN ASK TO A CLASSMATE AND WRITE THEIR ANSWERS. Today is Wednesday, December 8th , 2021 Value: respect                                                                                               "DID YOU QUESTIONS" Instructions: Answer the questions and ask a classmate. Answer with Yes, I did or No, I didn't.  Today is Thursday, , 2021 Value:                                                                                                "" Instructions: 

5th-13th week notes- December 6th-December 9th

      Today is Monday, December 6th , 2021                                                                                                                 Value: respect                                                                                                                                                                          "Do you questions" Instructions: COPY THE QUESTIONS, ANSWER WITH YOUR IDEA AND THEN ASK TO A CLASSMATE AND WRITE THEIR ANSWERS. Today is Wednesday, December 8th , 2021 Value: respect                                                                                               "DID YOU QUESTIONS" Instructions: Answer the questions and ask a classmate. Answer with Yes, I did or No, I didn't.  Today is Thursday, , 2021 Value:                                                                                                "" Instructions: 

5th grade- Twelfth week notes: November 29th-December 2nd

First session: vocabulary in notebook Second session: past progressive in notebook Third session: reading in... Fourth session: spelling        Today is Monday, November 29th , 2021                                                                                                                                             Value: optimism                                                                                                                                                                                               "UNIT 2 VOCABULARY" Instructions: Translate and search the definition. 1. adventure: AVENTURA  an unusual and exciting experience or activity. 2. analyze: ANALIZAR  examine methodically and in detail 3. ancient: ANTIGUO  belonging to the very distant past 4. artifact: ARTEFACTO  an object made by a human being 5. buried: ENTERRADA  placed or hidden underground. 6. civilization: CIVILIZACIÓN  the society, culture, and way of life of a particular area 7. excav

6th grade- Twelfth week notes: November 29th-December 2nd

                                                           Today is Monday, November 29th , 2021                                                                                                                                             Value: optimism                                                                                                                                                                                               "UNIT 2 VOCABULARY" Instructions: Translate and search the definition. 1. edible: COMESTIBLE  fit or suitable to be eaten. 2. eel: ANGUILA  a snake-like fish with a slender elongated body 3. energy bar: BARRA ENERGÉTICA  a bar-shaped food intended to boost physical energy 4. forage: FORRAJE  search widely for food or provisions 5. nettles: ORTIGA  a herbaceous plant 6. poisonous: VENENOSO  capable of causing death or illness 7. purify: PURIFY  remove contaminants from 8. raisins: PASAS  a partially dried grape. 9. ravenous: VORAZ  extremely

6th grade. Eleventh week notes: November 22nd-25th, 2021

                                                                                  Today is Monday, November 22nd , 2021 Value: optimism                                                                                               "SENTENCES IN FUTURE" Instructions: ORDER THE NEXT SENTENCES  1. will go/ tomorrow/ to the supermarket/ She  -She will go to the supermarket tomo... 2. to the zoo/ They/ are going to go/ on March - They are going  to go to the zoo on Mar.. 3. next week/ will buy me/ My mom/ a play station - My mom will buy me a play sta... 4. are going to build/ We/ at the beach/ a sand castle -We are going to build a sand cas.. 5. a ferrero chocolate ice cream/ will eat/ on Sunday/ I - I will eat a ferrero chocol.. TONGUE TWISTER:   I SAW SUSSIE SITTING IN A SHOE SHINE SHOP WHERE SHE SITS SHE SHINES AND WHERE SHE SHINE SHE SHITS First session: grammar book Second session: notebook note Third session:  Fourth session:      Today is Tuesday, November 23rd , 2021 Value

5th grade. Eleventh week notes: November 22nd-25th, 2021

  First session:  Second session: Third session:  Fourth session:    Today is Monday, November 22nd , 2021 Value: optimism                                                                                               "PAST PROGRESSIVE" Instructions: ORDER THE NEXT SENTECES     basic structure: SUBJECT (sujeto) + VERB + COMPLEMENT    was or were: estaba o estaban 1. running/ I/ in the park/ was                       4. at the beach/ We/ swimming/ were               2. yesterday/ was/ I/ sad                                  5. nervous/  We/ for the exam/ were              3. with her friends/ was/ dancing/ She          6. jumping/ was/ at Flyers/ He     First session: Notebook note Second session: Third session:  Fourth session:                                                                                                                          Today is Tuesday, November 23rd , 2021 Value: optimism                                                                              

6th grade. Tenth week notes: November 16th-18th, 2021

          Today is Tuesday, November 16th , 2021 Value: optimism First session: INTRODUCTION Second session: project session Third session: project session Fourth session:                                                                                                "Autoevaluación" Instructions: Copy and complete 1. From 1 to 10, how much effort did I put in my November project? 2. From 1 to 10, how confident I was during my November project presentation? 3. Name three classmate's projects that you think were the best.  4. Name one projects you think was very creative.  5. What can you do better for your next project?    First session:  Second session: Third session:  Fourth session:    Today is Wednesday, November 17th , 2021 Value: optimism                                                                                               "Future: going to, will" Instructions: COPY THE NEXT INFORMATION      Today is Thursday, November th , 2021 Value: optimism Firs

5th grade. Tenth week notes: November 16th-18th, 2021

        Today is Tuesday, November 16th , 2021 Value: optimism First session: INTRODUCTION Second session: project session Third session: project session Fourth session:                                                                                                "Autoevaluación" Instructions: Copy and complete 1. From 1 to 10, how much effort did I put in my November project? 2. From 1 to 10, how confident I was during my November project presentation? 3. Name three classmate's projects that you think were the best.  4. Name one projects you think was very creative.  5. What can you do better for your next project?  First session: Grammar book page 6  Second session: Notebook note Third session:  Fourth session:      Today is Wednesday, November 17th , 2021 Value: optimism                                                                                               "Past progressive" Instructions: Copy the next information.      Today is Thursday, November 18t

6th grade. Nineth week notes: November 8th-11th, 2021

      Today is Monday, November 8th , 2021 Value: optimism                                                                                                 "NOVEMBER COVER PAGE" Instructions: Draw, decorate and color your cover page of the month.       Today is Tuesday, November 9th , 2021 Value: optimism                                                                                                 "WILL-WON'T" Instructions: Copy the next information.     Today is Tuesday, November 9th , 2021 Value: optimism                                                                                               "MY FAVORITES" Instructions: Read and complete.

5th grade. Nineth week notes: November 8th-11th, 2021

     Today is Monday, November 8th , 2021 Value: optimism                                                                                                 "NOVEMBER COVER PAGE" Instructions: Draw, decorate and color your cover page of the month.      Today is Monday, November 8th , 2021 Value: optimism                                                                                                 "HAD TO OR COULD" Instructions: Complete the next sentences with HAD TO or COULD. ( tenia que - podria ) 1. I   HAD TO  study for the project. 2. I  COULD   visit Legoland. 3. We   HAD TO  listen to the principal. 4. We  COULD  watch movies on Friday 5. You   HAD TO  clean your room.  6. You  COULD  play among us.    Today is Tuesday, November 9th , 2021 Value: optimism                                                                                               "MY FAVORITES" Instructions: Read and complete.