5th grade- Twelfth week notes: November 29th-December 2nd

First session: vocabulary in notebook

Second session: past progressive in notebook

Third session: reading in...

Fourth session: spelling 

   Today is Monday, November 29th, 2021

                                                                                                                Value: optimism                                                                         

                                                                             "UNIT 2 VOCABULARY"

Instructions: Translate and search the definition.

1. adventure: AVENTURA an unusual and exciting experience or activity.

2. analyze: ANALIZAR examine methodically and in detail

3. ancient: ANTIGUO belonging to the very distant past

4. artifact: ARTEFACTO an object made by a human being

5. buried: ENTERRADA placed or hidden underground.

6. civilization: CIVILIZACIÓN the society, culture, and way of life of a particular area

7. excavate: EXCAVAR make a hole by digging.

8. fossil: FÓSIL the remains or impression of a prehistoric organism

9. remains: RESTOS the parts left over after other parts have been removed

10. settlement: ARREGLO an official agreement intended to resolve a dispute

11. size: TAMAÑO the relative extent of something

12. spot: LUGAR a particular place or point.

                                                                         "PAST PROGRESSIVE"

Instructions: Copy and answer. 

Today is Wednesday, December 1st, 2021

Value: optimism

                                                          "MY PLANS FOR THE WINTER"

Instructions: Write from 10 to 15 sentences about what this you WILL DO or you ARE GOING TO DO in the winter break.

During the winter break I...

will + VERB          am going to +  VERB 

I will sleep alot in this vacations!          I am going to clean my room.

I will bake cookies for the family.         I am going to watch Christmas movies <3 

I will visit a museum.         


Today is Tuesday, November 30th, 2021

Value: optimism

                                                                          "DECEMBER COVER PAGE"

Instructions: Draw your cover page for December


                                                        "PAST PROGRESSIVE"

Instructions: Copy and answer

Today is Wednesday, November 22nd, 2021

Value: optimism



First session: 

Second session:

Third session: 

Fourth session: 

Today is Thursday, November 22nd, 2021

Value: optimism


