5th grade. Eleventh week notes: November 22nd-25th, 2021


First session: 

Second session:

Third session: 

Fourth session: 

 Today is Monday, November 22nd, 2021

Value: optimism

                                                                          "PAST PROGRESSIVE"


    basic structure: SUBJECT (sujeto) + VERB + COMPLEMENT

   was or were: estaba o estaban

1. running/ I/ in the park/ was                       4. at the beach/ We/ swimming/ were              2. yesterday/ was/ I/ sad                                  5. nervous/  We/ for the exam/ were              3. with her friends/ was/ dancing/ She          6. jumping/ was/ at Flyers/ He    

First session: Notebook note

Second session:

Third session: 

Fourth session: 

                                                                                               Today is Tuesday, November 23rd, 2021

Value: optimism 

                                                                          "Speaking practice"

Instructions: Answer the next questions.

First session: 

Second session:

Third session: 

Fourth session: 

Today is Wednesday, November 24th, 2021

Value: optimism

                                                                          "UNIT 2 VOCABULARY"

Instructions: Translate and search the definition.

1. Ancestor: ancestro' from whom one is descended

2. Bone: hueso' one of the hard parts of the skeleton 

3. Chamber: espacio abierto' a large room used for formal or public events

4. Clay: arcilla' a substance that resembles clay in plasticity and is used for modeling

5. Entrance: entrada' an opening, such as a doo

6. Exit: salida' a way out,

7. Frieze: friso' a broad horizontal band of sculpted or painted decoration

8. Labor: trabajo' physical or mental effort WORK

9. Looter: saqueador' a person who steals goods

10. Noble: noble' having or showing very fine or admirable qualities

11. Occupy: ocupar' reside or have one's place of business

12. Precious stones: piedras preciosas' a highly attractive and valuable piece of mineral or rock

Today is Thursday, November 22nd, 2021

Value: optimism

First session: 

Second session:

Third session: 

Fourth session: 


