
Showing posts from October, 2021

6th grade. Eighth week notes: October 25h-28s, 2021

    Today is Monday, October 25 th, 2021 Value: solidarity                                                                                                 "Guía de estudio parte 1" Instructions: Translate to Spanish and write a short definition in English. 1. BATTER: golpear.  TO BEAT REPEATDLY  2. BAY: bahía.  A BROAD INLET OR THE SEA 3. BEACON: faro.  A FIRE OR LIGHT USED AS A SIGNAL 4. COASTLINE: Costa.  THE OUTLINE OF THE COST  5. CURRENT: Corriente.  A BODY OF WATER MOVING IN A DIRECTION 6. EQUINOX: Equinoccio.  WHEN THE SUN IS EXACTLY OVER THE EQUATOR 7. MAINLAND: Tierra firme.  THE MAIN PART OF A CONTINENT 8. OFFSHORE:  Costa afuera.  MOVING AWAY FROM THE SHORE  9. OVERNINGHT: Durante la noche.  DURING THE NIGHT 10. SEABED: Fondo del mar :  THE OCEAN FLOOR 11. STABILIZE: Estabilizado.  STABLE 12. TIDE: Marea.  THE FALLING OF THE SEA        Today is Tuesday, October 26 th, 2021 Value: solidarity                                                                           

5th grade. Eighth week notes: October 25h-28st, 2021

    Today is Monday, October 25 th, 2021 Value: solidarity                                                                                                "Guía de estudio parte 1" Instructions: Translate to Spanish and write a short definition in English. screen: Pantalla. t he usually flat part of a television or computer  risky: attended with risk or danger   basic:   simple and not complicated hologram: three-dimensional image , created with photographic projection rotate: the action or process of rotating on or as if on an axis or center . develop:   to grow or to become more advanced complicated: difficult to analyze, understand, or explain mechanical:   relating to machines and engines courageous : mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger artificial intelligence :   the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines     Today is Tuesday, October 26 th, 2021 Value: solidarity                                                          

6th grade. Seventh week notes: October 18h-21st, 2021

   Today is Monday, October 18 th, 2021 Value: solidarity                                                                                                "Describing family members" Instructions: Copy and answer the next information. The  tallest  person in my family is: The  shortest  person in my family is: The  funniest  person in my family is: The  smartest  person in my family is: The  nicest  person in my family is: The  oldest  person in my family is: The  youngest  person in my family is:    Today is Wednesday, October 20 th, 2021 Value: solidarity                                                                                                "My family" Instructions: Copy and fill the blanks according to you. My family is ______________________.  They always make me feel __________. What I love to do with them is ______________. In my family, I'm closer to __________. My family loves to eat _____________. My family loves to go to ________. My mom is _____

5th grade. Seventh week notes: October 18h-21st, 2021

  Today is Monday, October 18 th, 2021 Value: solidarity                                                                                                "Describing family members" Instructions: Copy and answer the next information. The tallest person in my family is: The shortest person in my family is: The funniest person in my family is: The smartest person in my family is: The nicest person in my family is: The oldest person in my family is: The youngest person in my family is:    Today is Wednesday, October 20 th, 2021 Value: solidarity                                                                                                "Verbs in past" Instructions: Look for the next verbs in your book and write them in past. eat (comer):   ATE                                               fly (volar): FLEW tell (decir):    TOLD                                                             give (dar): GAVE buy (comprar):   BOUGHT                                 

6th grade. Sixth week notes: October 11th-14th, 2021

  Today is Wednesday, October 13 th, 2021 Value: solidarity                                                                                                "Personal preferences" Instructions: Copy and ask your classmates the next questions. What is your favorite...                          classmate 1                  classmate 2           classmate 3  color? animal? day of the week? month of the year? weather?  movie? song? subject?   Today is Thursday, October 14 th, 2021 Value: solidarity                                                                                             "Must or can't" Instructions: Write must in the sentences that are obligations and can't when the action is prohibited. 

Birthday post


5th grade. Sixth week notes: October 11th-14th, 2021

Today is Monday, October 11 th, 2021 Value: solidarity                                                                                                "Describing family members" Instructions: Copy and answer the next information.   Today is Thursday, October 14 th, 2021 Value: solidarity                                                                                                "Personal preferences" Instructions: Copy and ask your classmates the next questions. What is your favorite...                          classmate 1                  classmate 2           classmate 3  color? animal? day of the week? month of the year? weather?  movie? song? subject?

5th grade. Fifth week notes: October 4th-7th, 2021

       Today is Tuesday, October 5 th, 2021 Value: solidarity                                                                                                "My October cover page" Instructions: Draw your cover page for October.           Today is Tuesday, October 5 th, 2021 Value: solidarity                                                                                                "Vocabulary" Instructions: Translate and look for the definition of the next words. 1. artificial intelligence:  the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines 2. hologram:   three-dimensional image , created with photographic projection 3. rotate:  the action or process of rotating on or as if on an axis or center . 4. screen:  the usually flat part of a television or computer  monitor  that shows the images or text 5. courageous:  mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger 6. risky:  attended with risk or danger   7. develop:    to grow or to be

6th grade. Fifth week notes: October 4th-7th, 2021

        Today is Monday, October 4 th, 2021 Value: solidarity                                                                                                "My October cover page" Instructions: Draw your cover page for October.         Today is Tuesday, October 5 th, 2021 Value: solidarity                                                                                                "Auxiliaries: must, might, can't" Instructions: Copy the next information. Today is Thursday, October 7 th, 2021 Value: solidarity                                                                                                "Describing family members" Instructions: Copy and answer the next information.