5th grade. Third week notes: September 20th - 23rd, 2021
Today is Monday, September 20th, 2021
Value: honesty
"Pronunciation of verbs in past"
Instructions: Copy the next information.
We have three different ways to say the regular verbs in past correctly. Let´s talk about some important rules. Tenemos tres formas de decir los verbos regulares en pasado, veamos unas reglas:
1. La mayoría lleva una E silenciosa. Se escribe pero NO se pronuncia: dancEd, lovEd, movEd.
2. Solo cuando el verbo termina en D o T, vas a pronunciar una ID como en decidED
Today is Monday, September 20th, 2021
Value: honesty
"Grammar of verbs in past"
Instructions: Copy the next information.
Para cambiar los verbos REGULARES al pasado solo debes seguir cuatro reglas:
1. Solo agregas ED al final del verbo. Ejemplo: washed, called, enjoyed
2. Si ya termina en E, solo agrega D al final. Ejemplo: danced, moved, loved
3. Cuando termina en Y, vas a cambiar por I solo si antes de la Y hay una consonante
Ejemplo: try- tried play- played (no cambia)
4. En algunas ocasiones los verbos monosilabos repiten la ultima consonate como
plan-planned o stop-stopped
Today is Tuesday, September 21st, 2021
Value: honesty
"Grammar of verbs in past"
Instructions: Change the verbs from base form to simple past.
Today is Tuesday, September 21st, 2021
Value: honesty
"Past simple"
Instructions: Write 6 sentences in past simple.
Subject + verb in past + complement
1. I played among us yesterday 2. I studied for my test.
3. I watched a horror movie 4. I washed the clothes.
5. I lived in Rosarito 6. I opened the book
More verbs: went ( fui, fuiste) ate (comi, comiste)
Today is Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021
Value: honesty
Instructions: Answer the next questions.
1. What is a Tesla Car?
A Tesla Car is the first car to drive itself. The car has a little engine and needs batteries to function.
2. Who was Percy Spencer?
He was an engineer that accidentally invented the microwave.
3. Who was George Crum?
He was a chef that accidentally created potato chips.
4. Who was Leo Baekeland?
He was a chemist that invented plastic
5. What inventions do you know?
computers, tablets, cellphones, headphones, fridges and more
Today is Thursday, September 23rd, 2021
Value: honesty
Instructions: Match the vocabulary in English with the vocabulary in Spanish
( )electronic 1. ingeniero
( )machine 2. volante
( )invention 3. creatividad
( )engineer 4. electrónico
( )creativity 5. invento
( )engine 6. máquina
( )batteries 7. motor
( )wheel 8.baterías
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