
Showing posts from September, 2021

6th grade. Fourth week notes: September 29th - 30th, 2021

       Today is Wednesday, September 29 th, 2021 Value: honesty                                                                                                 "My family" Instructions: Complete the next information.        Today is Thursday, September 30 th, 2021 Value: honesty                                                                                                 "Unit 1 Vocabulary " Instructions: Copy the next words and look for the definition. -BATTER          -BAY          -BEACON          -COASTLINE          -CURRENT          -EQUINOX -MAINLAND          -OFFSHORE          -OVERNIGHT      -SEABED          -STABILIZE   -TIDE BATTER: TO BEAT REPEATDLY  BAY: A BROAD INLET OR THE SEA BEACON: A FIRE OR LIGHT USED AS A SIGNAL COASTLINE: THE OUTLINE OF THE COST  CURRENT: A BODY OF WATER MOVING IN A DIRECTION EQUINOX: WHEN THE SUN IS EXACTLY OVER THE EQUATOR MAINLAND: THE MAIN PART OF A CONTINENT OFFSHORE: MOVING AWAY FROM THE SHORE  OVERNINGHT: DURING THE NIGH

5th grade. Fourth week notes: September 29th - 30th, 2021

      Today is Wednesday, September 29 th, 2021 Value: honesty                                                                                                 "My family" Instructions: Complete the next information.

6th grade. Third week notes: September 20th - 23rd, 2021

      Today is Monday, September 20th, 2021 Value: honesty  "Present perfect vs simple present" Instructions: Copy the next information. El presente perfecto es otra forma para hablar en pasado. El presente simple lo estudiamos en 5to, ahora veremos una manera más formal para hablar de cosas que pasaron. La mayor diferencia es la estructura. En presente simple haces oraciones así:                             En presente perfecto haces oraciones así:       Subject + verb in past + complement            Subject + have/has + verb in participle + complement I                     went          to the beach                        I                  have           gone               to the beach I                      ate            a pizza                                 I                  have           eaten            a pizza I                     slept        in the bedroom                     She             has              slept            in the bedroom     Today is Monday,

5th grade. Third week notes: September 20th - 23rd, 2021

     Today is Monday, September 20th, 2021 Value: honesty  "Pronunciation of verbs in past" Instructions: Copy the next information. We have three different ways to say the regular verbs in past correctly. Let´s talk about some important rules. Tenemos tres formas de decir los verbos regulares en pasado, veamos unas reglas: 1. La mayoría lleva una E silenciosa. Se escribe pero NO se pronuncia: dancEd, lovEd, movEd. 2. Solo cuando el verbo termina en D o T, vas a pronunciar una ID como en decidED      Today is Monday, September 20th, 2021 Value: honesty  "Grammar of verbs in past" Instructions: Copy the next information. Para cambiar los verbos REGULARES al pasado solo debes seguir cuatro reglas: 1. Solo agregas ED al final del verbo. Ejemplo: wash ed , call ed , enjoy ed   2. Si ya termina en E, solo agrega D al final. Ejemplo: dance d , move d , love d 3. Cuando termina en Y, vas a cambiar por I solo si antes de la Y hay una consonante Ejemplo: try- tr ied      pla

6th grade. Second week notes: September 13th - 16th, 2021

     Today is Monday, September 13th, 2021 Value: honesty  "Describing myself" Instructions 1: Write 10 sentences describing yourself. Instructions 2: Write one paragraph (at least 4 lines) describing yourself. Example: 1.  I am  tall                                                       6. I have bangs 2. I am funny                                                  7. I have long legs 3. I am early                                                    8. I have little eyes 4. I am happy                                                   9. I have big lips 5. I am nice                                                     10. I have brown hair Example: Well, what can I say about me? I am tall, I have brown hair, I have bangs and I have little eyes. I am funny  but  shy, I am happy  but  serious sometimes. I am nice  and  kind.  I am intelligent, I love to read, I love to study and I love to learn languages.  I love to cook and also I love to bake cookies for my love ones.       Toda

5th grade. Second week notes: September 13th - 16th, 2021

    Today is Monday, September 13th, 2021 Value: honesty  "Describing myself" Instructions 1: Write 10 sentences describing yourself. Instructions 2: Write one paragraph (at least 4 lines) describing yourself. Example: 1. I am tall                                                       6. I have bangs 2. I am funny                                                  7. I have long legs 3. I am early                                                    8. I have little eyes 4. I am happy                                                   9. I have big lips 5. I am nice                                                     10. I have brown hair Example: Well, what can I say about me? I am tall, I have brown hair, I have bangs and I have little eyes. I am funny but shy, I am happy but serious sometimes. I am nice and kind.  I am intelligent, I love to read, I love to study and I love to learn languages.  I love to cook and also I love to bake cookies for my love ones.      Today is

6th grade. First week notes: September 6th - 10th, 2021

    Today is Wednesday, September 8th, 2021 Value: honesty  "September cover page" Instructions:  Draw a cover page for the month of September.      Today is Thursday, September 9th, 2021 Value: honesty  "The most important rules in class" Instructions:  Copy the next information 1. Join the class on time 2. Turn on your camera 3. Do all the exercises  4. Respect your class 5. Have fun while you learn  6. Wear the uniform 7. Use your microphone wisely (don´t interrupt your teachers)  8. Let everybody participate  9. Send all your work to your teacher via Classroom (on time)     Today is Thursday, September 9th, 2021 Value: honesty                                                           "Introducing myself" Instructions:  Copy the next information and complete it

5th grade. First week notes: September 6th - 10th, 2021

  Today is Wednesday, September 8th, 2021 Value: honesty  "September cover page" Instructions:  Draw a cover page for the month of September.      Today is Thursday, September 9th, 2021 Value: honesty  "The most important rules in class" Instructions:  Copy the next information 1. Join the class on time 2. Turn on your camera 3. Do all the exercises  4. Respect your class 5. Have fun while you learn  6. Wear the uniform 7. Use your microphone wisely (don´t interrupt your teachers)  8. Let everybody participate  9. Send all your work to your teacher via Classroom (on time)     Today is Thursday, September 9th, 2021 Value: honesty                                                           "Introducing myself" Instructions:  Copy the next information and complete it

Welcome to your English class!

  Today is Monday, September 6th, 2021 Value: honesty  "Welcome to your English Class!" Instructions: Think about everything you expect for this school year. Draw some images about it.  In this school year I expect that all of my students are so good at spelling that everyone get the opportunity to enter the contest. I also expect that my students work so hard that I need to give an award for each one of them. I hope they have a lot of enthusiasm to learn English.  And last, but not least, I expect that all of my students feel interested in learning more languages!